Zinc, Copper And Silver Mineralization Intersected At The Mt. Hope Area 


LAKEWOOD, CO – General Moly, Inc. reported continued positive results of zinc, copper, and silver mineral intercepts from the final 4 holes of its 9-hole 2018 drill program in a skarn setting adjacent to the Mt. Hope primary molybdenum (“moly”) deposit.

Assay results from the final 4 core holes, totaling 4,024.7 drilled feet, confirmed near-surface, sulfide zinc mineralization with MH-257 intersecting the previously identified deeper, high-grade copper-silver zone. 

Chief Executive Officer Bruce D. Hansen said, “Our results have been very encouraging with all the holes in 2018 drilling program indicating strong near-surface zinc mineralization and several holes demonstrating the continuity of copper and silver mineralization at depth, which remains open. We will further analyze the 2018 results to evaluate the potential to produce a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), focused at a minimum on the near-surface zinc opportunity.”

The 2018 drilling program encompassed 8,300 feet drilled in 9 holes in the skarn area, southeast of the Mt. Hope moly deposit located in central Nevada. 

Sphalerite-bearing zinc mineralization is preferentially located within the outer two-thirds of the metamorphic aureole, and chalcopyrite-bearing copper mineralization was encountered primarily inside the inner third of the aureole. Chalcopyrite also straddles the contact between the Garden Valley formation and quartz porphyry stock itself as nested stockworks of thin, irregular and discontinuous, mineralized veinlets that in aggregate total typical porphyry-copper-type grade-thicknesses.

The data obtained from the 9 drill holes MH-249 through MH-257 largely confirmed the historical results interpreted from drilling campaigns undertaken by previous operators including the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the operators of the historical underground zinc mines at Mt. Hope, Phillips Exploration, and Exxon Minerals.

The company’s address is 1726 Cole Blvd., Suite 115, Lakewood, CO 80401, (303) 928-8599, www.generalmoly.com.